Saturday, April 26, 2008

Incoming and outgoing

All in the same week, I have one child getting her first tooth, and one losing his first tooth.

A baby's first tooth is a drama laden affair. It can feel like an eternity from when the slobber first appears and the first tooth finally cuts through. With JT, he started needing a daily shot of Vitamin T (Baby Tylenol) around four months, but those first teeth didn't push through until month seven or so. We only realized they were there when one day, he was gnawing on IB's thumb and nearly drew blood. He was a year old before he could sleep without a bit of help from some blessed otc drugs.

HM is being no more stoic. Ah, well. IB and I aren't known for our ability to suck it up, either.

Jake is surprisingly blase about his loose tooth. I don't think he yet understands how it could come 'out'. He's fussing with it constantly, though, so I'm sure he'll find out soon. Some things, you just can't prepare the kiddo for.

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