Thursday, May 29, 2008

Soon, he'll be borrowing our stuff

You know your kid is getting big when you grab a shirt out of your stack, and have it all the way on before realizing that it's actually your son's. I was pulling at the bottom edge, wondering why it wouldn't go past my belt line when I noticed the Transformers logo.

1. The diet must be working!
2. It won't be long before he's snagging our shirts and wearing them. I'm just glad I'm converting my section to girly strange tees.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another one bites the dust

Another tooth bit the dust yesterday, and once again earned us "Worst Parents of the Year" nominations.

The tooth coming out surprised us, as it was only a little bit loose earlier in the day. Apparently monetary gains have made JT more stoic about a bit of mouth pain. It was rather late in the evening when it happened, so I think he might have been messing with it all day. Not long after making the appropriate fuss did we send him to bed, reminding him to put it under his pillow. We returned to folding laundry.

That morning, IB came downstairs.

"Um, do you have five bucks?"

"Wh-- CRAP."

See, one big difference between the generation before us and our generation: paper money. Our parents always carried cash, since so many places still didn't take plastic. It was still pretty common when I was a kid to walk into a store and find they didn't take credit cards. Now, I only know of one fast food place (not even a chain. A singular restaurant) that doesn't take debit or credit. Hell, at the farmer's market, you can use your plastic with the orchid lady. There's no reason for IB and I to carry cash.

This is proving to be a problem when it comes to playing the tooth fairy.

Happily, I remembered at the last minute that IB keeps a jug of change. He dug through that, found five dollars worth of quarters, and the boy was suitably delighted.

Still, going to the bank today and getting some fives. Because he's got a lot of teeth left.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Guess what day it is...

Guess what day it is.

Go ahead, guess.

Laundry day!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

He doesn't grok geography either

JT: Is this gong from Japan?

Me: No, it's Chinese.

JT: Chinese people are from Japan.

Me: No, they're from China.

JT: Oh. What happens if an Englishman goes to China?

IB: He gets arrested.

Me: No, he doesn't get arrested.

JT: No, he gets sent back to Canada.


Friday, May 23, 2008

She loves her weighted companion cube

A great starter for her eventual career at Aperture Science.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Boy's book about Old Dominion Speedway

JT was a part of "Young Authors Night" at school. What did he write about? Cars, naturally.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Scary dreams

To my memory, JT has never had a scary dream. He does not get this trait from me, as I am prone to rather horrible dreams.

Horrifying dream last night
It was like a Psych episode, all silly mystery solving
Then a person got possessed with a ghost
And started killing everyone horrible.
Blood and exploded torsos.
haha nice
Was not nice
sleeping with one eye open from now on
don't want you exploding my torso
All the dead people had ghosts, too, and they were really pissed to be dead
Because they'd hired us to make sure that didn't happen
yay vengeful spirits
Not so much vengeful.
But, like, "Great. This sucks. You are SO not getting the rest of your payment."
Also, was on a cruise ship
So kind of awkward
Kept running into these pissed ghosts and exploded torsos on the way to the pool.
Like, "Oh... you again."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I have such dainty children

HM's got a new noise.

This is going to take a lot of daintiness later on to balance out. Or maybe she'll just play lacross.

Also, a video taken while trying to get the above:

Lesson 1: When trying to get a video of something they do all the time, you're going to be taking a lot of g-d video. This is only one of, like, six clips I deleted.

Lesson 2: molded plastic crap is way more interesting than me or my camera.

Friday, May 16, 2008

If there's no rest for the wicked...

... why am I not having more fun?

One of the questions you get when you have a baby is "Are they sleeping through the night?" I don't know why we all ask this question, or why the news feeds don't have more stories about parents wigging out and killing people after being asked. Maybe sleep dep makes it harder for us to rage out effectively.

HM is not sleeping through the night. However, she's not up every 45 minutes like JT, so I'm still counting this as a win. I am getting a little tired of not sleeping in my own bed, however, so we've begun Operation BabySnore. The first skirmish, I think, was a loss.

I bought special baby bath, formulated to make wee ones want nothing more than to sleep. It has lavender in it, which usually only makes me want to sneeze. I drew HM a bath and doused the water with the magic purple smelly gunk.

What happened next was the opposite of 'getting sleepy.' She loved the stuff. She loved the bath. She kicked and squealed and laughed and did everything but look tired.

I thought maybe it might take some time to settle in, like when you take a Zantac versus taking the pink crap. I toweled her off and took her downstairs, and waited for the sleepiness to settle in.

That purple crap is laced with crack or caffeine or something, because she was wired. She wanted to play. She wanted one on one time. She wanted our unwavering attention.

She did finally conk out... and was up at two, but only took one ounce. So maybe the purple crap did work... just not enough to not inconvenience me. ;)

Saturday, May 3, 2008


JT was late in getting around. He was fairly blase about the whole 'movement' thing. Give him a car, a rattle, a measuring cup, he was good. Some days, he lived in his high chair, happy to get his toy switched out every now and then and have me jabber at him.

HM is not blase. She is opinionated. I have spent more on her entertainment in three and a half months than I ever had to on JT in his first year. She wants to move so badly. She doesn't want to lay back. She wants to sit up. She wants to stand up. She wants to crawl. She's already managing to move around in this strange, amoeba-like fashion. It's a little strange to watch. You don't know what's she's using to move, as her appendages are still only good for kicking off blankets and clawing off our faces. Yet, she's still in one place one minute, then across the room the next.

We're not even at month four yet.

We may be in trouble.