Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Another one bites the dust

Another tooth bit the dust yesterday, and once again earned us "Worst Parents of the Year" nominations.

The tooth coming out surprised us, as it was only a little bit loose earlier in the day. Apparently monetary gains have made JT more stoic about a bit of mouth pain. It was rather late in the evening when it happened, so I think he might have been messing with it all day. Not long after making the appropriate fuss did we send him to bed, reminding him to put it under his pillow. We returned to folding laundry.

That morning, IB came downstairs.

"Um, do you have five bucks?"

"Wh-- CRAP."

See, one big difference between the generation before us and our generation: paper money. Our parents always carried cash, since so many places still didn't take plastic. It was still pretty common when I was a kid to walk into a store and find they didn't take credit cards. Now, I only know of one fast food place (not even a chain. A singular restaurant) that doesn't take debit or credit. Hell, at the farmer's market, you can use your plastic with the orchid lady. There's no reason for IB and I to carry cash.

This is proving to be a problem when it comes to playing the tooth fairy.

Happily, I remembered at the last minute that IB keeps a jug of change. He dug through that, found five dollars worth of quarters, and the boy was suitably delighted.

Still, going to the bank today and getting some fives. Because he's got a lot of teeth left.

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