Saturday, May 3, 2008


JT was late in getting around. He was fairly blase about the whole 'movement' thing. Give him a car, a rattle, a measuring cup, he was good. Some days, he lived in his high chair, happy to get his toy switched out every now and then and have me jabber at him.

HM is not blase. She is opinionated. I have spent more on her entertainment in three and a half months than I ever had to on JT in his first year. She wants to move so badly. She doesn't want to lay back. She wants to sit up. She wants to stand up. She wants to crawl. She's already managing to move around in this strange, amoeba-like fashion. It's a little strange to watch. You don't know what's she's using to move, as her appendages are still only good for kicking off blankets and clawing off our faces. Yet, she's still in one place one minute, then across the room the next.

We're not even at month four yet.

We may be in trouble.

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